Chapter Bylaws



Ratified 03.26.2021, Amended 12.08.2023


Section 1.1. The name of this association shall be Friends of Gorges State Park (hereinafter FOG).


Section 2.1. The association is a nonprofit corporation operating as an independent Chapter of the
Friends of State Parks, Inc. (FSP) as organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina (IRS tax id


Section 3.1. The purpose of FOG shall be to support Gorges State Park, the park lands and trails within
and adjacent, and the rivers that run through; developing and promoting public awareness; providing
support and resources for personnel and the maintenance of programs, facilities and recreation;
advocating for ecological conservation and preservation; and addressing environmental issues. These
purposes are exclusively nonprofit, charitable, and educational. All actions and activities shall be in
compliance with the then current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the North Carolina
Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the Friends of Gorges State Park, Inc.


Section 4.1. Membership in FOG shall be open to any individual, group, or corporation who
subscribes to and supports the purposes of FOG and shall be in good standing upon payment of the
prescribed annual dues.

Section 4.2. There shall be four types of memberships: individual, family, donor, and life.

Section 4.3. Any individual(s) desiring to become a member of Friends of Gorges State Park in an
individual, family, donor or life membership category or as an organization may do so by application
for such membership, the payment of dues specified as hereinafter set forth for that class of
membership, and the approval of the Board of Directors (the Board). An individual member shall be entitled to one vote on all
matters submitted to a vote of the membership.

Section 4.4. Any family unit desiring to become a member of FOG in a family, donor or life
membership category may do so by application for such membership, the payment of dues specified
for that class membership as hereinafter set forth, and approval of the Board. A family membership
shall be entitled to two votes on all matters submitted to a vote of the membership.

Section 4.5. Any business or organization desiring to become a member of FOG in a donor
membership category may do so by submitting to the Board a statement by its president and/or secretary and/or persons with the authority to do so that the organization has voted to apply for
membership, by payment of dues specified for that class of membership, and by approval of the
Board. A donor membership shall be limited to one vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the

Section 4.6. No individual shall hold membership in more than one membership category.

Section 4.7. All members shall enjoy the same rights and privileges. Each member shall be entitled to
vote on all matters presented to the membership at the annual meeting, including election of Officers
and Directors.

Section 4.8. The organization shall conduct an annual enrollment of members but persons may be
admitted to membership at any time. Memberships shall be for a period of 12 months.

Section 4.9. Membership shall be terminated by resignation or by non-payment of dues.


Section 5.1. The amount of annual dues for each class of membership shall be determined by the
Board of Directors.

Section 5.2. Dues shall be paid in full to FOG in order for the 12 month membership period
to begin.


Section 6.1. The Officers of FOG shall consist of a President, Vice President, a Secretary, and a

Section 6.2. Officers shall be elected from the membership by vote of the membership at its annual fall business meeting.

Section 6.3. Officers shall assume their duties at the close of the annual business meeting at which
they were elected and shall serve for a term of two years until the election and qualification of their

Section 6.4. Any Officer vacancy that may occur shall be filled within 60 days of said vacancy for the
unexpired term by a current member of the Board as appointed by the Executive Committee.



Section 7.1. President - The President shall preside at all meetings of FOG and of the Board; shall perform all
duties ordinarily incident to this office, or as prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the Board; and
shall coordinate the work of the Officers and committees of FOG in order that the purposes and
objectives may be promoted.

Duties include but are not limited toː

  1. Monitor all Board positions and officers

  2. Schedule, organize and preside over the Board activities and meetings.

  3. Work closely with the Park Superintendent to ensure FOG is supporting initiatives, priorities, and direction of Gorges State Park.

  4. Serve as the primary liaison between FOG and NC State Parks

Section 7.2.1 Vice President I - The primary function of Vice President I shall be to preside over meetings of FOG and of the Board in the absence of
the President and shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

Duties include but are not limited toː

  1. Shall serve as the Chairperson of the Governance & Nominations Committee.

  2. Serves as the main point of contact between FOG and the Park for all events, special programs, and activities.

  3. Assist Treasurer with maintaining up to date accurate records and data in the format directed by the Board.

Section 7.2.2 Vice President II - The primary function of the Vice President II, shall be to serve as the Vice President I, in the event the Vice President I is unable to fulfill their duties of the Vice President I becomes the President in the event the President steps down for any reason.

Duties include but are not limited toː

  1. Shall serve as the Chairperson of the Marketing Committee.

  2. Serves as the primary contact for all social media activities.

  3. Maintains the website with up to date and accurate information.

Section 7.3. Secretary - The primary function of the Secretary shall be to serve as the recorder of official meeting minutes and FOG files.

Duties include but are not limited toː

  1. Shall serve as the Chairperson of the Audit Committee

  2. Maintain accurate and complete minutes and any records generated of all FOG meetings and distribute the as directed by the Board.

  3. Maintain paper and digital records of all FOG meetings and actions.

  4. Shall conduct such correspondence as the Board may direct and perform other duties as may be delegated.

Section 7.4. Treasurer - The primary function of the Treasurer shall be to serve as the official recorder of all FOG financial information and records.

Duties include but are not limited toː

  1. Shall serve as the Chairperson of the Membership Committee

  2. Maintains all financial records and data in agreed upon format.

  3. Produces financial reports for Board meetings and as needed and requested by the President and/or the Board.


Section 8.1. The affairs of FOG shall be managed by the Board and its Executive Committee. Standing
committees may manage the affairs of FOG that fall within their defined bounds, as approved by the
Board. A committee must have the concurrence of the President and a majority of the Executive
Committee when publicly responding to problems in state parks.

Section 8.2. The Board shall consist of a minimum of eight (8) and no more than thirteen (13)
Directors, including the five Officers and no more than eight (8) at-large members. The Directors shall
be elected by the membership at the annual business meeting of the membership. Any Directorships,
up to thirteen (13), not filled by the membership shall be treated as vacancies to be filled by the
Executive Committee as recommended by the Nominating and Governance Committee and approved
by the Board.
Section 8.2.1. The Past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Board, but shall have no
voting rights on the Board except in the event of a tie vote. The Park Superintendent shall be a
non-voting ex-officio member of the Board.

Section 8.3. Directors shall assume their official duties, following the close of the annual business
meeting at which they were elected and shall serve for a term of two years until the election of their

Section 8.4. The five (5) Officers and the Past President shall constitute an Executive Committee that
is authorized to act on behalf of FOG between board meetings, including, but not limited to taking
positions for the association and the expenditure of funds not to exceed 25% of
the current balance in the association’s accounts. The Executive Committee shall report decisions and
expenditures to the Board at its next scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee shall develop and
maintain policy and procedures guidance to supplement these Bylaws, to be approved by the Board.
Decisions by the Executive Committee shall be made by a positive vote of a majority of its Officers.

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of three (3) Officers, and it is permissible to conduct
meetings and vote by telephone and other electronic means.

Section 8.6. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held a minimum of six times per calendar
year. Special meetings may be called by the President or any two Directors. The Secretary shall give
five days notice of all meetings of the Board.

Section 8.7. All Officers and Directors shall be elected for staggered two-year terms. All
Officers and Directors may be re-elected. No Officer or Director may serve more than four
consecutive two-year terms. The Past President shall serve, ex officio, as a member of the Board for
two years after a new President is elected. If the current President is re-elected, the past President
continues to serve ex officio for each re-election. Former Directors that have not served on the Board
for a minimum of two years are eligible for election to the Board.

Section 8.8. In order to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the association, all Board
members should strive to attend all scheduled Board meetings. Elected Board members who fail to
attend at least half of the meetings during a calendar year will not be eligible for re-election and may
be subject to removal as recommended by the Nominating and Governance Committee to the
Executive Committee and with approval of the Board.


Section 9.1. The Board shall cause to be formed the following four (4) standing committees:
Nominating & Governance, Audit, Membership, and Marketing to facilitate the work of the
association. The Chair of each standing committee shall be appointed by the President. Terms of committee members shall be for a maximum of two years (2 years) or until the
annual business meeting occurs as determined by the Executive Committee. The FOG President shall
be an ex-officio member of all committees. From time to time additional standing or ad hoc
committees may be established by the Board.
Section 9.1.1. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Chair of each Standing Committee. The
Chair shall be a current Director that shall serve for a maximum of two years or
through the end of his/her Term, whichever first occurs.

Section 9.2. There shall be a Nominating & Governance committee composed of four
Directors selected by the Board and the current Park Superintendent. The Nominating and
Governance Committee shall nominate one eligible person for each vacant office and directorship to
be filled and submit their findings to the Board for their approval in advance of the annual business
meeting. Subsequently, the committee shall report its nominees at the annual business meeting at
which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such offices or directorships.

Section 9.3. There shall be an audit committee composed of three members: one member to
be appointed by the President; one member to be appointed by the Treasurer; and one
member to be appointed by the Park Superintendent. The audit committee shall annually conduct an
audit of the association’s financial records and provide a written report to the President, who shall
share the findings with the Board. The audit committee shall also conduct the elections at the annual

Section 9.4. There shall be a Membership Committee composed of up to three (3) Directors.

Section 9.5. There shall be a Marketing Committee composed of up to three (3) Directors.


Section 10.1 There shall be a minimum of one business meeting of the membership each year, to be held in the Fall and to be considered the annual meeting for business and elections. Each member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter put before the membership. Members may vote in person, and/or through other means such as electronic mail, regular mail, teleconference, etc., that the Board facilitates at its discretion. The executive committee shall decide specific dates and locations for these meetings.

Section 10.2. Special meetings of FOG membership may be called by the Executive Committee or by the Board of Directors. In addition, meetings of the Board or Executive Committee needed to exercise the business of FOG may be called by the president.

Section 10.3. Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in case of
a special meeting, the purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than ten nor more than fifty days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by mail, to each member entitled to vote at such meeting.

Section 10.4. A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the members shall be at
least nine members eligible to vote. The vote of a majority of the votes entitled to be cast at a
meeting at which a quorum is present shall be necessary for the adoption of any matter voted upon
by the members.


Section 11.1. The fiscal year of FOG shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of the same
year to coincide with the calendar year.